Your Full Moon in Capricorn Reading
Hello Beautiful Moonbeams!
Last month's full moon in Capricorn, closely following the summer solstice, marked a powerful astrological event that offered opportunities for spiritual growth, transformation, and manifestation. Now, on July 21st, we welcome a rare Blue Moon in Capricorn, occurring when two consecutive full moons happen during Cancer season.
Full Moons are like bookends: whatever began or was seeded during the first will be revised or developed upon the second one. With both in this determined and grounded earth sign, a light is shining on our long-term goals, professional life, and the necessary steps to achieve our ambitions. Having two consecutive full moons in the same sign is an exceptional occurrence that should be embraced and utilized to its fullest potential.
Capricorn is represented by a figure that is part goat and part fish. The sea goat can climb the highest mountain and swim in the deepest seas. This duality serves them—the goat symbolizes the determination to steadily climb the path to achieve their goals, while the fish has no problem diving into the emotional waters of inner wisdom, seeking the guidance needed to light that path and ushering us to evolve in many ways. It is important to use this time to shine a light on your life and ask yourself what’s important and what’s not working anymore. The Sun in Cancer highlights our roots, home, and family, while the Moon in Capricorn stresses career, status, and community. To find balance between both worlds, we may need to be restrictive, bring something to an end, or face cold hard reality. It’s like cleaning out your closet, saying goodbye to what doesn’t fit or feel good anymore. The Cancer Season Full Moons in Capricorn are all about recognizing that those hard choices can actually contribute to the life we want.
Tonight, as you bathe in the energies of La Luna, take time to connect with your Muladhara (Root) Chakra and feel the ground beneath your feet. Spend time in a garden or any enchanted and magical place where you feel connected to Mother Earth. As you are held in the arms of the Mother energies of Cancer and Capricorn, you will be reminded to be loving with yourself, to approach your responsibilities with devotion, and to bring love to your work and all you must do.
Make this a Full Moon to dream about!