Your Full Moon in Taurus Reading
Hello Beautiful Souls,
On November 15th (4:28 pm ET / 1:28 pm PT), the Full Moon rises in the steady, earthbound sign of Taurus, inviting us to slow down and reconnect with our roots. In goddess lore, this November Full Moon belongs to Baba Yaga—the wise crone and guardian of ancient mysteries. Her themes are harvest, rest, regeneration, and gratitude. She reawakens our awareness of the seasons’ natural rhythms and the wisdom held in time’s ever-turning wheel.
As the dark goddess, Baba Yaga embodies fierce love and transformation, illuminating what is needed and encouraging us to embrace necessary change. She is here to remind us of the knowledge that only age and experience can bestow. Now, more than ever, her energy is needed as Pluto shifts into Aquarius on the 19th, where he will remain until 2043. This long transit signals a period of upheaval and monumental transformation that will reverberate through our lives for decades. Adding to this cosmic dance, Mercury goes retrograde just days later, challenging us to remain centered as the energies intensify.
In times like these, Taurus offers us a balm: emotional security and stability. Taurus calls us back to the root chakra, the foundation of our being. This is a time to ground, to nourish, to root deeply into the Earth and find strength in her unyielding stability. Elevate your self-care practices—connect with nature, enjoy yin or restorative yoga, and nourish yourself with wholesome foods and restful sleep. By staying rooted in the Earth, our beloved Mother, we hold the fire to bring new light and resilience into the world. Let us stand strong, together, planting the seeds of justice, love, and wisdom as we embrace the path ahead.
As the wheel turns... Blessed Be.
Root Chakra Candle Ritual for the Taurus Full Moon
Begin by preparing your sacred space. Cleanse with sage or palo santo, setting the atmosphere for release and renewal. Light a red candle after dusk, symbolizing health, power, passion, and grounding energy. Full Moons call us to release, to clear away what no longer serves us. Write down your intention on a piece of paper. With eyes fixed on the candle flame, visualize your desired outcome and allow this vision to fill you with strength and clarity. When ready, burn the paper in the flame, letting the smoke carry your intention within. Allow the candle to burn out on its own, as blowing it out disrupts the energy (a 4” chime candle is perfect for this ritual).
Crystals for Grounding
Black Stones: black tourmaline, obsidian, hematite, black coral, onyx, snowflake obsidian
Brown Stones: tiger’s eye, shiva lingam, smoky quartz, garnet, red calcite, red jasper, rhodonite
Oils for Grounding
Embrace grounding oils like patchouli, myrrh, lavender, cedarwood, geranium, vetiver, basil, and sage.
Sarvam Śāntiḥ Śāntir Eva Śāntiḥ
May All Things Be Peaceful, the Peace of Peace