Jolie Wilson




Jolie has dedicated over 23 years to studying and practicing yoga, breathwork, meditation, healing and intuitive arts. She believes that these practices are invaluable gifts that can transform our lives and the lives of those around us. As the sole owner of both Evolve Key West and Full Circle Yoga School, Jolie is a certified yoga teacher in five different yogic practices, with experience in over 30+ styles of meditation and 20+ styles of breathwork. She is a qualified transformation facilitator, a QHHT Level 2 - Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Practitioner, BQH Beyond Quantum Healing Practitioner, a trauma release practitioner, somatic experiencing practitioner, sound healer, musician, shamanic practitioner, paddle board yoga instructor, and a Reiki Level II Practitioner, among other things.

As a channel and intuitive, Jolie combines her psychic, mediumship, and channeling abilities to create healing, magic and insight for her clients in both private and group sessions. Her insatiable desire to learn and grow has led her to delve deeper into these passions and continue to expand her knowledge and expertise. Jolie's own journey through depression, trauma, anxiety, and panic attacks led her to embrace these practices even more deeply in 2009, and she is passionate about helping others heal and transform their own lives.

Jolie has witnessed and experienced many "miracles" that defy rational explanation and science as she loves to work in the quantum realms. She encourages others to embrace their infinite potential and manifest their dreams by living from their divine essence.

Jolie believes that nurturing our souls, spirits, and physical bodies is essential to living an enlightened life. Above all, she is committed to serving others and helping them improve their health, transform their lives, and live authentically.



This 50 minute phone session with Jolie offers great wisdom and clarity into your life, the answers to questions you are seeking, relationships, abundance, career choices, health, healing, your life purpose and all areas of your life. Booking a once a month session can greatly enhance your life and help you be the best most empowered you!!

“I asked the universe for guidance about my work. Jolie was the answer to that. She told me exactly what I was holding in my heart that I was afraid to step into. With her guidance I now feel ready to pursue my dreams with confidence. Thank you Jolie for your inspiration.” - Stella, Cyprus 


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This 3 hour private session is tailored by Jolie to meet your specific needs. Held over zoom this session combines transformational breath-work, trauma release exercises, somatic exercises, nervous system regulation, meditation and education to bring you instant and lasting relief. There is nothing wrong with you, most modalities and modern medicine only treat symptoms. This sesssion treats the root cause integrating the emotional, physical, mental traumas you've experienced so you can live a life of peace & joy.


Jolie excels in meeting people right where they are and guiding them into expansion, wellness, joy and an empowered life regardless of ability or past traumas. You see..regardless of what you've been through, you are already whole. Through education, integration, tools, & practices that actually work all you need is what is already within.

These offerings are completely customizable and Jolie will tailor it to your specific needs.

"I had more physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing during my retreat than I accomplished with doctors, counselors, and the slew of healthcare professionals in years. I would go again in a heartbeat." ~Dustin


Your yoga style choice infused with Thai Massage and hands on adjustments, technique, and alignment work in Restorative, Yin, Hatha, Kundalini, Ashtanga, or Yoga Therapy.


Jolie teaches 20+ kinds of Breath-wrok. Drawing on a multitude of breathing practices from different healing and spiritual traditions, these sessions include simple exercises that can be practiced alone or with a partner to facilitate proper immune function and enhance connection, creativity, joy, intuition, or to reduce depression, anxiety, trauma, tension, physical pain, and more.


This session is designed to calm the nervous system and induce the relaxation response. The focus is on relaxing and opening the body in restful postures with the use of soft props. This is not sleep, but deep rest that provides the body an opportunity to renew and to heal. Numerous studies have proven the physical and emotional benefits of triggering the parasympathetic nervous system. This is beneficial for a strong immune response, lowered heart rate and blood pressure and balancing the body’s response system.


In Yin Yoga, floor postures are held passively for several minutes in order to access a safe and positive ‘stress’ on the deep layers of connective tissue in the body. Physically, Yin Yoga restores and maintains the natural mobility of the joints, primarily between the navel and the knees. Energetically, Yin Yoga opens the body’s meridian system, which enhances the body’s energetic flow and supports emotional equilibrium. We will hold the postures as we turn our attention toward our inner landscape, learning to live in our bodies in a wholesome way. As we surrender into the postures we are able come to stillness not only in our bodies but also in our thoughts. Through this stillness we will investigate our true selves and come to a place of acceptance. The practice is deeply relaxing enabling us to go inward towards a place of compassion for ourselves, for others and for all beings. This practice is suitable for all ages and for pregnancy as well. This practice can be quite intense not only physically but emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.


Hatha yoga is a perfect time to come into the body and discover what lies within. In this particular offering, the student will be assisted into the proper alignment of the posture, yet being mindful of any limitations that are preexisting or arise within the moment. This is a great way to start the day or finish it.


This class integrates alignment of posture, attention to breathing and transitions between postures, and deep release of connective tissues. Jolie will guide you from one pose to another in a flowing sequence of yoga postures while pausing to hold and work on alignment and deep body awareness. This allows you to ease safely through the postures while maintaining a deep awareness of the breath and the self. This class works with precision and care while incorporating the movement and heat building and a therapeutic focus. Through flowing practice, heat is naturally and safely created within the body to warm, soothe, heal and strengthen the student from the inside out.


Kundalini Yoga is the science to unite the finite with the infinite, and it is the art to experience Infinity in the finite. Kundalini Yoga is called the Yoga of Awareness. Awaken the energy of consciousness, shed light on self-imposed limitations and develop your intuitive mind. The Kriyas and meditations of Kundalini yoga are specifically designed to generate energy and increase awareness. This practice begins and ends with mantra and has warm up exercises to prepare for the Kriya, a series of postures, breath, and sound that work toward a specific outcome. Practicing Kriyas initiates a sequence of physical and mental changes that affect the body, mind, and spirit simultaneously.


True healing occurs when we bring all levels of a person’s being into balance. Move beyond illness and discomfort to live life to your fullest expression. Heal and rebalance your physical body, energy, mind and emotions. Transform and release stress, anxiety and tension. Gain increased connection with your true self to uncover wellness and joy at new levels. Yoga therapy focuses on health and wellness on all levels: physical, energetic, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Illnesses and injuries receive lasting healing and transformation. The healing journey is unique to each individual, therefore practices are tailored specifically for your needs to facilitate optimal health and wellness. This compassionate and gentle approach is good for all levels and issues including: Neck, Back, Shoulders, Insomnia, Headaches, Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Hormonal. 


Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra has the power to transform you at your core. All you do is lie down and listen. During this ancient tantric meditation, Jolie will systematically guide you through each layer of being to relax and heal at every level including the physical, energetic, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra is a step by step step guided meditation that leads you deeply into your own being. You are asked only to become aware of body, breath, thoughts and feelings without needing to change or fix anything. There is nothing to do but notice which is true meditation. Healing music and nature imagery are included in the journey. 20 minutes of Yoga Nidra is said to be equivalent to 3 hours of sleep. By inducing the relaxation response, the body’s healing state, Divine Sleep turns the healing switch on in the nervous system, allowing you the necessary time the body needs to heal, prevent illness, and also to fall and stay sleep. Divine Sleep helps to retrain your nervous system to relax on its own and it can be used to put you to sleep by listening in bed. The main benefits of regularly practicing Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra are improved sleep, health, happiness, and integration of all the parts of oneself. It provides deep rest and liberation from stress, helps prevent illness and to renew organs, increases health, happiness, and outlook, improves memory, concentration, creativity, intuition, and spontaneity, helps develop compassion, clarity, trust, and peace. It has been used to treat insomnia, anxiety, depression, chronic pain and more.​



People come to this method with physical issues, questions about their purpose in life, mental wellness, or just to better understand and experience our grand connectedness.  Others come to the technique for surrogate healing for those who are not available to attend a session of their own.

Conducted in Jolie's home in Cudjoe Key FL, sessions last up to 5  hours.  

​We use altered states of consciousness to explore all possibilities, from the deepest inner states of being to the vast edges of the cosmos.  QHHT® focuses on the concept that the client will experience the most appropriate information from the Higher Self in an extremely deep state of hypnosis.


This is done through a specially designed session channeled just for you weaving together but not limited to Meditation, Breath-work, Reiki, Energy Work, Singing Bowls, Song, and Guitar.


TRE® or Trauma and Tension Release Exercises, is a somatic body based practice for people suffering with stress, anxiety, trauma or PTSD. It doesn’t require talking about an event, feeling or issue, therefore it overcomes the language barriers that can bring up added stress. TRE® includes a series of easy stretches using the muscles of the lower body and builds up a little shaking in the legs. Once the body is shaking, you lie on the floor, and encourage these natural vibrations to move through the body, without trying to control them. Most people enjoy the sensation of shaking; for some, they report a physical or emotional release, without becoming overwhelmed by the process.


These healings can be focused on but not limited to: Meeting Your Spirit Guides, Healing Addiction, Attracting A Soulmate, Future Life Projection, Strengthening Your Inner Healer, Releasing The Inner Saboteur For Future Success, Your Intentional New Chapter, Clearing Your Energy Of Other People.


People come to this method with physical issues, questions about their purpose in life, mental wellness, or just to better understand and experience our grand connectedness.  Others come to the technique for surrogate healing for those who are not available to attend a session of their own.

Conducted in Jolie's home in Cudjoe Key FL, sessions last up to 5  hours.  

​We use altered states of consciousness to explore all possibilities, from the deepest inner states of being to the vast edges of the cosmos.  QHHT® focuses on the concept that the client will experience the most appropriate information from the Higher Self in an extremely deep state of hypnosis.


This is done through a specially designed session channeled just for you weaving together but not limited to Meditation, Breath-work, Reiki, Energy Work, Singing Bowls, Song, and Guitar.


TRE® or Trauma and Tension Release Exercises, is a somatic body based practice for people suffering with stress, anxiety, trauma or PTSD. It doesn’t require talking about an event, feeling or issue, therefore it overcomes the language barriers that can bring up added stress. TRE® includes a series of easy stretches using the muscles of the lower body and builds up a little shaking in the legs. Once the body is shaking, you lie on the floor, and encourage these natural vibrations to move through the body, without trying to control them. Most people enjoy the sensation of shaking; for some, they report a physical or emotional release, without becoming overwhelmed by the process.


These healings can be focused on but not limited to: Meeting Your Spirit Guides, Healing Addiction, Attracting A Soulmate, Future Life Projection, Strengthening Your Inner Healer, Releasing The Inner Saboteur For Future Success, Your Intentional New Chapter, Clearing Your Energy Of Other People.



From the shamanic world view we are intimately connected to another and our energy bodies blend together and filaments from our light bodies entwine together. This session uses life transforming, ancient shamanic practices to restore your light body to its original state of being. Cord cutting is literally cutting the light cords which get entangled. and is especially powerful for people who have: Gone through separation or divorce, are experiencing emotions and/or recurring dreams of individuals who have passed over, are ready to fully let go of any previous lovers, or those that want to clean up stressed relations with family members or friends. By cutting the cords we literally cut the negative ties to the other, sending their energy back to them with love and restoring your own light body. This can be done with someone you want to keep in your life but you just want to release negative attachments.


Sometimes what holds us back are previous relationships that need to be shed or cleaned up like the serpent’s skin. Old patterns are related to relationships from the past and may also be triggered by relationships in the present. This ritual is for cutting the energetic cord holding you to someone who brings you back to old behaviors. In this ritual candles, incense and drumming will be involved as we stand, speak our intentions and forcefully cut the air as a physical representation of what is occurring. This is a powerful and potentially life changing ritual.


Take a powerful journey to discover your karmic seeds from the past to release, heal, and understand yourself.


The ancient healing method has the power to help you today, by finding the missing pieces and returning you to wholeness. Soul retrieval treats symptoms like depression, addictions, stress disorders, attention, focus, low self esteem.


Meet your spirit animals in the astral plane through this soul stirring journey of drum, guided meditation, and discovery.


Connect with your power animal in the astral plane, receive guidance and help in making decisions to change in your life.


To Meet Your Spirit Guides, go on a guided meditative journey into other realms and meet your guides or find clarity and insight into your pressing life questions.


Meet Condor as you see yourself in the future. See yourself shine as a result of your new way of being. See where the change will bring you, and how you will feel in this new place.


Be guided on a yoga and meditation journey embodying the Four Directions and The Medicine Wheel. Sometimes known as the Sacred Hoop, The Medicine Wheel has been used by generations of various Native American tribes for health and healing. It embodies the Four Directions, as well as Father Sky, Mother Earth, and Spirit Tree—all of which symbolize dimensions of health and the cycles of life. Each of the Four Directions (East, South, West, and North) is typically represented by a distinctive color, such as black, red, yellow, and white, which for some stands for the human races. The Directions can also represent: Stages of life: birth, youth, adult (or elder), death, Seasons of the year: spring, summer, winter, fall, Aspects of life: spiritual, emotional, intellectual, physical, Elements of nature: fire (or sun), air, water, and earth, Animals: Eagle, Bear, Wolf, Buffalo and many others, Ceremonial plants: tobacco, sweet grass, sage, cedar


From the shamanic world view we are intimately connected to another and our energy bodies blend together and filaments from our light bodies entwine together. This session uses life transforming, ancient shamanic practices to restore your light body to its original state of being. Cord cutting is literally cutting the light cords which get entangled. and is especially powerful for people who have: Gone through separation or divorce, are experiencing emotions and/or recurring dreams of individuals who have passed over, are ready to fully let go of any previous lovers, or those that want to clean up stressed relations with family members or friends. By cutting the cords we literally cut the negative ties to the other, sending their energy back to them with love and restoring your own light body. This can be done with someone you want to keep in your life but you just want to release negative attachments.


Sometimes what holds us back are previous relationships that need to be shed or cleaned up like the serpent’s skin. Old patterns are related to relationships from the past and may also be triggered by relationships in the present. This ritual is for cutting the energetic cord holding you to someone who brings you back to old behaviors. In this ritual candles, incense and drumming will be involved as we stand, speak our intentions and forcefully cut the air as a physical representation of what is occurring. This is a powerful and potentially life changing ritual.


Take a powerful journey to discover your karmic seeds from the past to release, heal, and understand yourself.


The ancient healing method has the power to help you today, by finding the missing pieces and returning you to wholeness. Soul retrieval treats symptoms like depression, addictions, stress disorders, attention, focus, low self esteem.


Meet your spirit animals in the astral plane through this soul stirring journey of drum, guided meditation, and discovery.


Connect with your power animal in the astral plane, receive guidance and help in making decisions to change in your life.


To Meet Your Spirit Guides, go on a guided meditative journey into other realms and meet your guides or find clarity and insight into your pressing life questions.


Meet Condor as you see yourself in the future. See yourself shine as a result of your new way of being. See where the change will bring you, and how you will feel in this new place.


Be guided on a yoga and meditation journey embodying the Four Directions and The Medicine Wheel. Sometimes known as the Sacred Hoop, The Medicine Wheel has been used by generations of various Native American tribes for health and healing. It embodies the Four Directions, as well as Father Sky, Mother Earth, and Spirit Tree—all of which symbolize dimensions of health and the cycles of life. Each of the Four Directions (East, South, West, and North) is typically represented by a distinctive color, such as black, red, yellow, and white, which for some stands for the human races. The Directions can also represent: Stages of life: birth, youth, adult (or elder), death, Seasons of the year: spring, summer, winter, fall, Aspects of life: spiritual, emotional, intellectual, physical, Elements of nature: fire (or sun), air, water, and earth, Animals: Eagle, Bear, Wolf, Buffalo and many others, Ceremonial plants: tobacco, sweet grass, sage, cedar



You will learn how to use the moons energies to achieve your desire whether it's a joyful romance, a successful career, or superb physical and emotional health. You will be guided on a journey to attuning your spirit with the moon. You'll be amazed at how much more you can achieve in life when you synchronize your activities with the moon's phases. With the proper use of candles, gemstones, and incense, these rituals can be conducted at exactly the right lunar moment to enhance the flow of power. The moon, our closest celestial neighbor, continues to offer you her power. Moon rituals will show you how to embrace it. Receive a moonstone crystal along with this session.


Learn the art and technique of smudging, yourself, others, home, or office and the various types of smudging woods and herbs. Receive your own take home smudging kit of herbs, palo santo, a shell, and feather.


Crystal grids are effective for transforming your life in a dazzling array of powerful and practical ways. Whether you desire to find love, attract wealth, bless your home, overcome anxiety, or clear negative energy, the crystal grids in this book will help you achieve your goals. With simple instructions and comprehensive insights, Crystal Grids shows you how to choose the best crystals for your purpose, select a grid shape that will enhance your intention, clear and position the stones, and activate the grid. Discover how you can use crystal energy for improved health, wealth, relationships, and a better life. This book also includes twenty-nine expertly designed grids that you can use immediately to reinforce and magnify the power of your crystals.


Developing a Home Practice for Anxiety & Stress Relief. If you are brand new to yoga, if you have practiced yoga for a while but are not sure how to start a personal practice at home, if you're seeking relief from your mind's relentless chatter, this session is for you! You will learn how to create a personal practice at home to nourish inner peace in your daily life. We’ll work together to create individualized plans for daily practice including creating the space, setting intention, warming up, basic postures, breathing and meditation.


You will learn how to use the moons energies to achieve your desire whether it's a joyful romance, a successful career, or superb physical and emotional health. You will be guided on a journey to attuning your spirit with the moon. You'll be amazed at how much more you can achieve in life when you synchronize your activities with the moon's phases. With the proper use of candles, gemstones, and incense, these rituals can be conducted at exactly the right lunar moment to enhance the flow of power. The moon, our closest celestial neighbor, continues to offer you her power. Moon rituals will show you how to embrace it. Receive a moonstone crystal along with this session.


Learn the art and technique of smudging, yourself, others, home, or office and the various types of smudging woods and herbs. Receive your own take home smudging kit of herbs, palo santo, a shell, and feather.


Crystal grids are effective for transforming your life in a dazzling array of powerful and practical ways. Whether you desire to find love, attract wealth, bless your home, overcome anxiety, or clear negative energy, the crystal grids in this book will help you achieve your goals. With simple instructions and comprehensive insights, Crystal Grids shows you how to choose the best crystals for your purpose, select a grid shape that will enhance your intention, clear and position the stones, and activate the grid. Discover how you can use crystal energy for improved health, wealth, relationships, and a better life. This book also includes twenty-nine expertly designed grids that you can use immediately to reinforce and magnify the power of your crystals.


Developing a Home Practice for Anxiety & Stress Relief. If you are brand new to yoga, if you have practiced yoga for a while but are not sure how to start a personal practice at home, if you're seeking relief from your mind's relentless chatter, this session is for you! You will learn how to create a personal practice at home to nourish inner peace in your daily life. We’ll work together to create individualized plans for daily practice including creating the space, setting intention, warming up, basic postures, breathing and meditation.



Jolie teaches 3o+ styles of meditation. Guides meditations include but are not limited to Heart Opening, Archangels, Shamanic Journey, Forgiveness, Finding Yourself, Healing, Increasing Intuitive Power, Stress Relief, Attracting Love, Anxiety Relief, Clearing Your Vows, Oaths, and Decisions From Past Lives, Releasing The Inner Saboteur For Future Success, Reuniting With A Loved One In Spirit, From The Womb To The Hall Of Records, Personal Energy Cleansing And Strengthening, River Meditation Into Future Moment Of Power, Toning Up Your Clairaudience, Toning Up Your Clairsentience, Toning Up your Clairvoyance, Manifest Your Ideal Weight With Warrior Energy, Empowering Your Year, Strengthening Your Inner Healer, Attracting Your Soulmate For Women, Parallel Lives Discovery, Retrieving Wealthy Skills From An abundant Life...As a medium I offer meditative journeys in any capacity that you need.



Learn 7 Secrets, Create the Life of Your Dreams, and together we will dig into your life to discover and release blocks while formulating your personal action plan for success.


Infused with ancient rituals and a hypnotic journey these session works!!


We often speak vows at a wedding ceremony should we choose to marry but what about the vows to ourselves, our own life, self care, self love, dreams, goals, ambitions? Best done in two sessions we will uncover what you truly desire, blocks you may have created if even unconsciously in receiving what you desire, as well as your personal boundaries you'd like to set. With assistance together we will write sacred life vows that you then speak in a sacred ceremony. This will leave you empowered, refreshed, renewed.


Learn 7 Secrets, Create the Life of Your Dreams, and together we will dig into your life to discover and release blocks while formulating your personal action plan for success.


Infused with ancient rituals and a hypnotic journey these session works!!


We often speak vows at a wedding ceremony should we choose to marry but what about the vows to ourselves, our own life, self care, self love, dreams, goals, ambitions? Best done in two sessions we will uncover what you truly desire, blocks you may have created if even unconsciously in receiving what you desire, as well as your personal boundaries you'd like to set. With assistance together we will write sacred life vows that you then speak in a sacred ceremony. This will leave you empowered, refreshed, renewed.

Text us (305) 999-5443 to book sessions